Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Education is Like a Recipe

Education is much like a recipe, there are certain directions and ingredients that help guide you along the way until you end up with a final product. Education, like a recipe can be modified, offer various versions, share it, fine tuned, and use substitutions if a problem arises.


When following a recipe, one must pay careful attention to the measurements of specific ingredients, as each one takes on a specific task in the recipe. Similar to following a recipe, a teacher must be able to use all of the correct ingredients in order to have their finished product. Just like every recipe, every student is different, and as the "chef" in this equation, the teacher must be able and willing to work with whatever type of recipe and ingredients are thrown their way.

Today, education has taken on many roles, more than it had years ago, and it is important that each learning environment be suited for any child, regardless of their ingredients. Just like following a recipe, only to find out that you used the last of the vegetable oil, sometimes teachers need to improvise or use a substitute in order to make the situation work.

Like education, a recipe calls for specific things that will work together to give you a final product, similar to how teachers incorporate lessons that have already been taught into lessons that are being taught. A recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation is also symbolic of a teacher that comes from a family of teachers and has particular factors they want to include in their career.

Although education can be defined in numerous ways and compared to multiple things, I think that my description of education as recipe is pretty on key. Although each educational experience is different, so aren't recipes; it takes many different ingredients, (peers, teachers, interests, styles of teaching, lessons being taught, ect) to make an education.

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